Are You a Victim of Premises Liability?

How to Know When You’re a Victim of Premises Liability Premises liability law comes into play when someone…

How to Know When You’re a Victim of Premises Liability

Premises liability law comes into play when someone invited onto a property sustains an injury due to elements like poor conditions or a hazardous situation. Being “invited” onto a property can include people directly invited, such as inviting a friend over for dinner, or indirectly invited, such as a customer entering a shop. 

Here is how to know you are a victim of premises liability.

Understanding Premises Liability

Generally, the first thing to examine is whether or not the injury can be traced back to negligence of the property’s owner(s) and/or current caretaker(s). 

This is where things can get incredibly muddy very quickly, and it is best to have knowledgeable legal guidance throughout this process. 

A professional premises liability lawyer will be able to help navigate gathering evidence and proving the responsible parties had a duty of care to correct whatever it is that led to your injury and damages.

They can help you demonstrate clearly that your case meets all the necessary thresholds for compensation, which are as follows:

  1. The hazard was present.
  2. The property owner(s) and/or current caretaker(s) possessed the property at the time of injury, had control over the property at the time of injury, and knew or should have known the hazard existed.
  3. The property owner(s) and/or current caretaker(s) did not fix the hazard or properly warn about the existence of the hazard.
  4. Your injuries were caused directly by the hazard.

If This Sounds Like You

If you find yourself in a situation where you strongly suspect or can confirm that you are a victim of premises liability, it is crucial to act fast. 

Though Missouri has a fairly lengthy statutory limit of five years from the date of the injury and/or loss sustained as a result of premises liability to file a case, it is always best to pursue litigation sooner rather than later.

Litigation can be a very long process, so acting quickly can support a swifter path to compensation as details are still fresh in the mind and in your records.

If you allow more than five years to pass, you may not be able to receive the compensation you deserve. So, act now, and start turning to researching premises liability lawyers that can help guide you through ensuring you are eligible to pursue compensation and everything that comes with that arduous journey.

Thompson Law Can Help

The legal world is intimidating, precise, and difficult to navigate. Thompson Law is here to help lift this weight off your shoulders with compassionate and thorough care for each and every client that crosses our threshold.If you believe you have a premises liability claim, contact Thompson Law for a free consultation, and let us support you in your fight for compensation.

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