Thompson Law in St. Louis is a personal injury law firm that helps people who have workplace injuries.

So You’ve Had a Workplace Accident in Missouri

Were you in the middle of a hectic day at work when an accident changed everything? Whether it…

Were you in the middle of a hectic day at work when an accident changed everything? Whether it was a slip, a fall, or a machinery malfunction, the aftermath of a workplace injury can be overwhelming.

The following is a guide to navigating the crucial initial steps following a workplace accident in Missouri and what you need to know about workers’ compensation benefits. 

At the Accident Site

  1. Assess Your Injuries. First and foremost, immediately evaluate yourself and others involved in the accident for injuries. If there are serious injuries requiring emergency medical attention, call 911. Clearly communicate the injuries and accident details to the operator for prompt assistance. 
  2. Report the Injury. Missouri law dictates you must provide a written notice of injury to your employer. You are required to report the injury in writing within 30 days. However, you should report the accident to your employer as soon as possible, ideally within 24 to 48 hours or within the timeframe specified by your company’s policies. 
  3. Notify Your Employer. Your employer may provide forms to fill out a description of what happened. Include the date, time, and place of the incident, as well as any crucial facts or names of witnesses. 
  4. Document the Incident. If it is safe to do so, gather evidence by taking photos or videos of the accident scene. Include details of any hazardous conditions or factors that led to the injury. These pictures and videos can significantly support your workers’ compensation claim by providing a clear depiction of the accident circumstances.

Seeking Medical Attention for Your Injuries

  1. Seek Immediate Medical Care. Regardless of the severity of your injuries, seeking medical attention immediately is crucial. Certain injuries may not manifest immediate symptoms but still require attention. If you delay medical attention, your condition may worsen and harm your chances of receiving benefits. Additionally, someone could argue that you made your injuries worse by delaying medical help or ignoring your doctor’s orders. Tell your employer you require treatment, then choose a medical provider from your employer’s approved list or as per the workers’ compensation guidelines. 
  2. Report All Symptoms. During your appointment, provide detailed information about your injuries and any related symptoms you’re experiencing. This includes not only physical pain but also any emotional or mental distress. Even if you think some symptoms are unrelated to the workplace incident, be honest and thorough, and disclose them for proper evaluation. 
  3. Schedule Follow-Up Care. It’s important to attend all follow-up appointments as advised by your medical provider. Compliance with their advice and recommended treatments is crucial for your health and for proper documentation of your injuries. If your symptoms change or worsen after the initial examination, inform your medical provider immediately. Timely updates will help in adjusting your treatment plan as needed. 

Workers’ Compensation Benefits

  1. File a Workers’ Compensation Claim. Typically, workers’ compensation covers medical expenses related to your injury and provides compensation for lost wages during recovery. Your employer should provide the necessary forms to file a workers’ compensation claim. Fill out the forms accurately and promptly, and ensure all information is accurately documented to support your case. Keep copies of all documentation related to your claim, including medical reports, communication with your employer, and any correspondence with the workers’ compensation insurer.
  2. Research Available Benefits. It’s crucial to understand the benefits available through workers’ compensation, including coverage for medical expenses related to your injury, rehabilitation costs, and compensation for any lost wages during your recovery. Consult with your employer’s human resources department or your workers’ compensation insurance provider to gain a comprehensive understanding of the benefits you are entitled to. 

Seeking Legal Advice

  1. Consult an Attorney. While Missouri offers a five-year statute of limitations for personal injury cases, seeking legal advice as early as possible is beneficial. An attorney can help navigate the intricacies of the workers’ compensation system, protecting your rights, providing guidance, and maximizing your chances of a successful claim.
  2. Dispute Resolution. If issues arise concerning your claim or benefits, legal representation is particularly important. Attorneys can assist in negotiating with your workers’ compensation insurer and represent your interests in dispute resolution proceedings. Legal representation can help you navigate the complexities of your claim. Also, it ensures you are treated fairly throughout the claims process and that any disputes are resolved in a manner that upholds your rights. 

Thompson Law: Your Missouri Workplace Accident Attorney 

Unfortunately, workplace accidents happen more often than you may realize. Despite this, they can turn your life upside down. Having someone to support and protect your rights is essential during such challenging times. 

If you or a loved one have faced a workplace injury in Missouri, seeking professional guidance is important. 

At Thompson Law, I understand the turmoil that follows a workplace accident. Serving both Missouri and Illinois, I prioritize providing emotional support, fair compensation, and relentless advocacy for justice. Schedule your free, no-obligation consultation today!